April 16, 2018

4 Benefits of Writing Guest Posts for Other Websites


  • Small Business Marketing

  • Small Business Tips

If you’re running a small business on this new planet of ours, you need to know how to live, strive and survive. You need to understand the planet’s concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), backlinks, and website domain authority. Before we begin properly, let’s define what a backlink is. According to Moz, Backlinks are known as inbound or incoming links, and occur when one website links to another. The Internet has surely become the world’s reference book, and it gets updated regularly. Therefore, if you’re looking to establish your small business as an industry, you need to become a knowledgeable source that updates the book. Ultimately, if you’re educated about your niche, you want people who need information about your topic to be led to your website. Many small businesses understand that they need high quality content on their website, such as blogs, resource pages, infographics, etc. However, it pays to spread the wealth! Contributing content to other websites (including a link back to your site) gets Planet Google to notice you, and rank you accordingly. In other words, higher. In this post, we’ll explain four benefits of writing guest blog posts for other websites, and how this can enhance your small business's online presence.

Why Should You Write Guest Posts for Other Websites?

4. Authority

You began your small business because you believed you had something to offer to consumers. By contributing guest blog posts to other sites, you’ll establish yourself as an authority on subjects that are related to your business’s industry. Once you do this consistently, new clients will hopefully find themselves at your digital doorstep. However, the key to gaining authority is crucial. Be relevant, valid, and interesting. If you’re not, your contribution won’t build your online presence.

3. Exposure

By sharing your valuable content on another website, you’ll gain exposure. Therefore, your choice of where that exposure happens is important. For example, an A-list actor won’t appear on a low-budget local radio station to promote their latest $1 billion-dollar blockbuster. Adapt this mindset when submitting guest posts by finding sites that feature high quality content and will generate more traffic to your site. Simply put, you want to write for websites that are more powerful than yours is currently.

2. Relationships

By sharing valuable content on a high domain authority website, you’re building a relationship with them. If your content is well-received, they may want you to become a frequent contributor. My advice? Do it! Aside from gaining guest post opportunities, you could be able to establish a collaborative relationship with them that expands to other areas of your business.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is #1 on this list for a reason. Including a direct link back to your small business’s website is what you’re aiming for. Authority, exposure, and relationship-building are all important, don’t get me wrong, but to get the likes of Google, Bing and Yahoo to notice you, you need to be a noticeable strand in the web. Backlinks get you noticed.

Backlinks will:

  • Improve organic rankings
  • Speed up indexing
  • Increase referral traffic
The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the better they rank on search engines for keywords.

Conclusion: Start Writing Guest Posts and Experience the Benefits!

Remember, backlinks will give your small business:
  • Authority
  • Exposure
  • Relationships
  • SEO
What are your thoughts on content-writing and backlinking? Let us know in the comment section below! Now, isn’t it time you told Planet Google you’ve landed?